
SafeWater Scandinavia

SafeWater Scandinavia's product REDUTRI is a unique and patented product and method that enhances the environment in swimming facilities for swimmers as well as staff.

Services and Products

Measuring of trichloramine

At the Poolside

SafeWater Scandinavia AB execute measuring of trichloramine, in accordance with the FHM guidelines, when this service is asked for. SafeWater has in the past few years executed hundreds of measuring activities of this kind and maintains having a solid experience in performing them in a relevant and trustworthy manner.

According to the FHM guidelines, measuring should

  • be performed when the activity level is high (number of visitors higher than median level).

  • be performed poolside. The specified measuring point is 0.2 m from the poolside over the pool water and 0.5 m above the water level.

This measuring position means that one performs air sampling as close to the water surface as today's equipment will allow. At this point the air suction starts and will have sample air pass specially treated filters. It is vital that these filters do not come in contact with droplets of chlorinated water, which would ruin the whole sample. Some conclusions:

  • one cannot really in a practical way come closer to the water than the indicated measuring point

  • it is vital to avoid water splash in the immediate vicinity of the air suction point

  • it is equally vital that teflon protected filters are used.

According to FHM's instructions, analyses of these filters should be performed by accredited laboratories, e.g. in Örebro, Sweden or in Brulabo, Belgium. The composition and preparation of these filters as well as the analysis process are well described in the FHM guidelines.

The measuring activities performed by SafeWater Scandinavia - as well as the associated analyses, results, and advice - remain confidential between us and the client. Please contact us at or direct to for proposals for measuring plans and financial offers for activities in accordance with the FHM directives. 

Complementary methods

SafeWater Scandinavia has developed its own complementary method to measure trichloramines, called the potential method or the Chalmers method. This is based on an alternative method, where water samples are taken from the pool's purification loop and that subsequently air sampling is made on the gas that exudes from the sampled water. This method can be very useful to determine the trichloramine count without the influence of the ventilation system. For instance, the measuring method prescribed by FHM would not be relevant for an outdoor pool, where the poolside count can be significantly reduced by wind conditions. (NB! The elite swimmers who suffer from asthma have similar asthma problems in an outdoor pool as they have in an indoor pool.) In addition, the mentioned Chalmers method can very well serve as an indication of the improvement potential in a particular pool.

Further, SafeWater has at its disposal new sampling and measuring equipment developed by the same research center that has developed the procedures and equipment prescribed by FHM. This new equipment allows SafeWater to make its own analyses of sampling filters. Numerous simultaneous samples show the same values after analyses provided this way, compared to those made by accredited laboratories.

This simplified procedure can be suitable when several solutions should be evaluated on the path to solutions being in line with official requirements, as prescribed by FHM. Contact us for more information regarding these complementary methods.

Installation of REDUTRI

REDUTRI is connected to the purification loop, after sand filter, either as a complement to existing purification equipment or in a new project. Normally, REDUTRI is installed on a separate loop connected to the main loop. The REDUTRI system consists of one or several vertical, parallel electrolytical cells. The number of recommended cells depend on:

  • total volume of the pool

  • total flow in the purification loop

  • presence of other equipment, like UV light or active carbon

  • temperature of the pool water

  • type of pool (adventure much splash/therapy/sport)

  • preset value for free chlorine

The system is controlled by a steering unit for optimal electric current.

The cells should be cleaned once a year by a professional. Installation should allow for CIP, or cleaning in place.

Normal guarantee period is 10 years.

The equipment carries a CE label and is manufactured in Sweden. 

Contact us for more technical information regarding installation:

For sales, projecting, installation and service in the Nordic countries (S, DK, NO, SF), please contact Enviro Process:

Reselling professionals in the Nordic area, please contact:

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